
The State of Texas requires all incoming students to provide proof of vaccination against 细菌性脑膜炎, 或者获得批准的豁免, 至少在开课前10天. 细菌性脑膜炎 is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast. It is inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, 也可以感染血液.

细菌有5种主要类型, A,C,Y,W-135, 和B, 会导致脑膜炎球菌病, 也被称为脑膜炎. 每种类型的疫苗都是不同的. ACYW-135组有疫苗, 符合当前州的要求, 还有B组脑膜炎的疫苗. Although the vaccine that protects against the ACYW-135 strains is currently required, 我们两者都推荐. Please consult with your healthcare provider about the benefits of both vaccinations.


Submit a vaccination record for bacterial meningitis if you:

  • Are 21 years of age and younger and are entering TSU for the first time.
  • Are 21 years of age and younger and returning to TSU after a break in enrollment of one fall/spring semester.
  • 计划住在校园宿舍.
  • You are exempt from immunization requirement if you will be 22 years old or older by the first day of class

To submit your immunization record to 学生健康服务, 你必须有TSU的电子邮件和T-Number.

Here’s how to submit your immunization record to 学生健康服务.

  1. 打印并填写 免疫依从性封面 & 确认形式.
  2. Print out the Vaccination 政府 Record and give it to the healthcare provider to record your immunization or provide a copy of your current immunization record.
  3. Upload your documents to the "我的老虎健康 Patient Portal" at  http://tsu.medicatconnect.com 
  4. You must have a TSU email account and a T-number to upload your immunization record into the 我的老虎健康 Patient Portal. 学生健康服务 will send a message to your TSU email after your record has been reviewed.
  5. You will receive an email from 学生健康服务 after your immunization record has been reviewed. 电子邮件将来自“NoReply@Medicat”.com” and state you have received a Secure Message from TSU 健康 or Counseling.
  6. The email will state that your immunization record was accepted, 这样就能解除滞留, or your immunization record was invalid and give instructions on what you need to do to correct the record.
  7. 一旦你点击链接打开你的安全消息, select “messages” on the left side of the page to view your message.
    • 记得检查您的垃圾邮件文件夹是否有安全邮件.
  8. 3个工作日的处理时间.
  9. If additional assistance is needed, call 学生健康服务 at 713-313-7173.

Remember to upload a copy of your Vaccine 政府 Record and the 免疫依从性封面 & 回执表格 http://tsu.medicatconnect.com. You will not be considered compliant until this step has been completed.

Important Points to Remember When Submitting an Immunization Record:

  • 你的射击记录必须清晰可辨
  • 我们不接受超过5年的记录.
  • The immunization must be administered 至少在开课前10天.
  • 所有国际纪录必须翻译成英文.
  • You must have a TSU email and T-Number to access the patient portal.
  • 请预留3个工作日处理 and check your spam folder for the message if not in your inbox.

如果您无法登录到患者门户, contact 学生健康服务 at 713-313-7173 for assistance.




学生 who wish to submit an exemption for reasons of conscience, 包括宗教信仰, must request the official Texas Department of State 卫生服务 (DSHS) affidavit form. 这可以在网上,通过邮件或传真完成. 一旦要求,表格将从DSHS邮寄给你. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for delivery of the form. Please choose one of the following options to request the form from DSHS:


P.O. 149347箱


Once the affidavit is received, it must be completed and notarized. This form is a State of Texas Form and must be notarized by a Texas Notary. 学生健康服务 must receive the original affidavit, 副本将不被接受.

The Affidavit can be hand delivered or mailed to 德克萨斯南方大学, 学生健康服务, 克莱本街3100号.休斯敦,德克萨斯州77004. Please take all precautions you can when mailing your Affidavit, it is your responsibility to ensure we receive the Affidavit.


接受医疗豁免, it must be signed by a physician who is duly registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States. 这应该是医生的意见, the vaccination would be injurious to the health and well-being of the student. It must include the physician’s contact information and it must be signed by the physician. Please choose from the following options to send in your medical exemption.

上载到我的老虎健康病人门户网站  http://tsu.medicatconnect.com

If you need additional assistance, 学生健康服务 is available at 713-313-7173.

Providing a valid immunization record for bacterial meningitis (ACWY) 或者获得批准的豁免 is required by the State of Texas. Failure to submit the required documentation to 学生健康服务 will result in removal from classes.